Cups are the suit of the heart, and the Ace stands for the direct knowing that comes from the heart.
Reaping the fruits of what you have sown, openness, spiritual vision, the Grail, redemption, regeneration, satisfaction, female principle, imagination, close attachment, intimacy, rebirth, hope.
There will be joy in your life with the fulfillment of all your ambitions and desires. Much happiness will be found in your contentment. You are searching for clarity, or for the truth in a situation where your heart says one thing and your intellect another, and hope an idea will become a reality. Your ideas will meet with success.
The Ace of Cups depicts the emergence of spirituality and the awakening of a new awareness of spiritual life.
False heart, loss of love, betrayal, broken heart, loneliness, separation, sadness, loss of hope, fatigue, in love with love, gullible, unrequited love. Hesitant to accept things of the heart.